英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 19:49:32

mess with

英 [mes wið]

美 [mɛs wɪð]


  • 网络解释

1. 瞎弄,摆弄,粗暴对待:His late arrival messed up all our plans.他的迟到把我们的计划全打乱了. | mess with瞎弄,摆弄,粗暴对待 | He told his son not to mess with the radio.他叫儿子不要乱搞收音机.

2. 与呼吸和心跳节律不稳混合:loss of consciousness.|意识丧失 | Mess with,uh,breathing patterns,heart rhythms--|与呼吸和心跳节律不稳混合 | Get an MRI.|做核磁共振

3. 同...一起用膳; 胡乱摆弄; 搞糟; 干扰; 与...厮混在一起; 参预:mess up 搞乱, 弄脏, 弄糟;陷入困境;粗暴对待; 使(某人)感情上受到创伤; 狠揍 | mess with 同...一起用膳; 胡乱摆弄; 搞糟; 干扰; 与...厮混在一起; 参预 | 527-mid adj.中央的, 中部的, 中间的

4. 草率处理:mess 弄乱 | mess with 草率处理 | salesman 售货员;推销员

Diseases are complicated, and nature fights every human attempt to mess with what she has wrought.(疾病是复杂的,而自然界会与任何企图扰乱她带来的一切的行为做斗争。)
Rule No. 4:Don't mess with Team 6(规则4:不要干扰第六小队)
Sometimes you can mess with the computer, for better or for worse.(其实你也可以恶搞一下电脑,好也罢坏也罢,都行。)
I wouldn't mess with him if I were you.(我要是你就会离他远点儿。)
We mess with the climate on a scale few individual species can.(我们在一定规模上干扰了气候,很少有个别物种能做到这一点。)
This is one weasel you don’t want to mess with.(这是一个你绝对不愿意去打扰的狡猾的东西!)
Don't mess with the pack order-it's there for a reason. "-a." Matthews.(别弄混了packorder它的存在是有道理的。)
My fear is that the moment you mess with it in any way, it's lost.(我担心的是,你一旦将其搞糟,它就失不再来啦。)
Don't mess with moms.(别惹老妈。)
I'll be packaging everything up with an installer so that players don't have to mess with the complexity of all those files.(我们将把所有的安装文件用一个安装程序打包,这样玩家就不会因为文件太复杂而弄混。)
mess with是什么意思 mess with在线翻译 mess with什么意思 mess with的意思 mess with的翻译 mess with的解释 mess with的发音 mess with的同义词